By Anna Walker
10th July 2024

Paris 2024 is almost upon us, and the anticipation is palpable. However, as sport participation leaders, we must confront a reality: there is very limited data that suggests major sporting events significantly boost long-term sports participation. So, on the eve of the opening of the Olympics and Paralympics, what do we do? We can reflect on the known successes, such as the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup and we can learn from the failures of the past. We can draw on our innovative selves to reconsider how else to convert public adoration into participation. I've jotted down a few thoughts to get the ball rolling. Let me know what you think!
Control the Media and Marketing Narratives
Relatable Athletes:
Make athletes relatable: Studies show that athletes' profiles can deter participation when the perceived 'competence gap' is too large. However, we can tell their stories in a way that resonates with everyday people, portraying them as approachable and relatable.
Shift focus from winning to joy: Expand the PR focus beyond winning and athletic performance. Emphasize the ‘sheer joy and liberation of the movement’, the ‘empowering feeling of pursuing a dream’, the ‘resilience in chasing down a goal’, and the ‘thrill of being a team member’. These experiences keep people engaged in sport beyond the point at which they realise they aren't a part of the elite or talented few.
Enable Accessible Participation
Inclusive Introductory Activities:
Create and promote simple introductory activities: Develop and promote introductory activities where anyone can experience success. These could be simple drills or movements that people can try at home, in local parks, or in backyard pools—anywhere free from the pressure of comparison. These activities should inspire confidence, joy, and curiosity to explore more.
Olympics/Paralympics nights: Organise community events to watch specific Olympic/Paralympic events in your field and enable attendees to try the activity. This communal experience can spark interest and participation, striking while the iron’s hot.
Enhance Accessibility and Findability of Sports
Capacity Building:
Increase capacity and preparedness: Ensure sports settings (schools, clubs, facilities) are prepared to reach, involve, and support new participants. Missed opportunities to capitalise on inspiring events often occur due to a lack of available places, leading to potential participants being turned away or waitlisted.
Expand inclusion and accessibility: Enhance inclusion and accessibility programming, coaching capacity, facility access, and volunteer support to provide a great experience for every new member or participant, from the start.
Free-to-try initiatives: Promote initiatives that don’t require upfront investments in memberships, equipment, or coaching fees, especially during times of economic strain.
Non-Competitive Options:
Develop non-competitive versions: Create or promote versions of sports focusing on fun, socialisation, and the joy of movement. Competitive sports can lead to feelings of failure for many, acting as a detractor for longer-term engagement.
Community Collaboration:
Engage local stakeholders: Collaborate with local communities and stakeholders to generate widespread awareness. Partner with local governments, schools, sports clubs, and community organizations to maximise value, reach, and social impact.
Leveraging Multicultural Aspects
Cultural Connections:
Celebrate multiculturalism: Paris 2024 offers an opportunity for millions of multicultural Australians to be inspired by home country performances, celebrate global sports, and connect through shared experiences. Can your sport be that point of connection?
By strategically controlling the narrative, making sports accessible, and leveraging the multicultural aspect of the games, we can position Paris 2024 with a chance to become a catalyst for growing sports participation in Australia.
Ready to take your sports organisation to the next level? Contact us today for a personalised consultation and discover how we can work together to achieve your participation and engagement goals. Let's make Paris 2024 a milestone for growth and success in your sports community.